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Civilized Software Inc.
12109 Heritage Park Circle
Silver Spring, MD 20906 USA

Welcome to Civilized Software's New Home Page (WWW.CIVILIZED.COM)

We are the developers of MLAB, an advanced mathematical and statistical modeling system.

MLAB is an ideal tool for mathematical and statistical exploration, and for solving simulation and modeling problems such as chemical kinetics, pharmacological compartmental models, multiple site ligand binding, neurophysiological modeling, and ultracentrifuge models, to name just a few. MLAB is especially designed to handle differential equation models.

There are versions of MLAB for PC (DOS, Windows3.1, Windows95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win10/Win11, Linux - both 32 and 64 bit systems where applicable), Macintosh (PPC OS 8.x, OS 9, OS X-classic mode(emulation)), and OS X-native mode for both Intel-Macs and PPC-Macs, older Motorola Macintosh systems, SGI, and NeXT (Motorola, Intel, and HP) platforms. (There is not a version of MLAB for newer OS-X 10.10 and later non-Intel Macs.)

Data Analysis and Modeling Services are also available! Contact: [email protected]

"Much of the joy of science is the joy of solid work done by skilled workmen. ... There is a great satisfaction in building good tools for other people to use. ... The essential factor which keeps the scientific enterprise healthy is a shared respect for quality. Everybody can take pride in quality, and we expect rough treatment from our colleagues when we produce something shoddy." - Freeman Dyson, Disturbing the Universe.

Descriptive material plus a collection of technical reports showing the application of MLAB are available. Please take a look at whatever you wish from the selections offered below. Especially note the Technical Application Notes and Examples!

Technical Application Notes and Examples

Introduction to installing and using MLAB - short manual

Download a FREE copy of MLAB(Mac or Windows PC or Linux PC)

There is a new MLAB manual, the MLAB Graphics Examples Manual that you can view and/or download. Please take a look.

There is yet another new MLAB manual, the MLAB Beginner's Guide Manual that you can view and/or download. Please take a look.

There is yet another new MLAB manual, the Introduction to MLAB: The Royal Road to Dynamical Simulations that you can view and/or download. Please take a look.

Here is a new story about computing floating-point integer powers. Take a look at intpow.c

(If you enjoy this program please "plant a link" to it somewhere, so others might more easily find it. Thanks.)

Here is a new story about Chemical Kinetics. Take a look at the paper Second-Order Simple Binding (This is a PDF file.)

(If you enjoy this paper please "plant a link" to it somewhere, so others might more easily find it. Thanks.)

Here is a new story about Fourier transforms and the Dirac delta functional. Take a look at the paper Fourier Transforms (This is a PDF file.)

(If you enjoy this paper please "plant a link" to it somewhere, so others might more easily find it. Thanks.)

Here is a new story about duality in linear programming. Take a look at the paper Duality in Linear Programming (This is a PDF file.)

(If you enjoy this paper please "plant a link" to it somewhere, so others might more easily find it. Thanks.)

And here is a new story about LU-decomposition (Gaussian Elimination.) There is more to Gaussian Elimination than meets the eye. Gaussian Elimination (This is a PDF file.)

(And, as above, if you enjoy this paper please "plant a link" to it somewhere, so others might more easily find it. Thanks.)

Here is a short "how-to" about using TeX (i.e. latex) for producing nice mathematical documents. How to use TeX

Computations you can do in MLAB:

algebraic models, autoregression models, boundary-value problems, cluster analysis, contour maps, curve-fitting, data manipulation, deconvolution, definite integrals, delay terms, descriptive statistics, differential equations, differential equation-defined models, distribution function estimation, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, equation-solving, Fourier transforms, function evaluation, histograms, implicit function models, initial-value problems, integration, inverse distribution functions, least-squares minimization, linear regression, matrix algebra, modeling, moving-means, moving-quantiles, moving-deviations, multiple regression, non-linear regression, optimal smoothing splines, publication quality plotting, random numbers, rank values, recursive functions, root-finding, singular value decomposition, smoothing, spline interpolation, stable sorting, stiff differential equations, summation, surface interpolation, symbolic differentiation, time-series analysis, Voronoi diagrams, weighted curve fitting, weight estimation, 2D and 3D graphics, survival analysis, tests of hypothesis, power calculations, convex hulls, minimal spanning trees

In pursuit of our goal to announce MLAB to a wider audience, would you please place a URL link to this Home Page ( wherever you think appropriate, or let us know where we might apply for a link. Thank you.

Open Positions at Civilized Software, Inc.

Investors Needed

Other Info

Here is a paper about Linux interprocess communication with message queues and presentation of an algorithm for resource management. Process Intercommunication

(This is a plain acsii file, so you may want to download it and print it, since some symbols such as less-than's might not show correctly in some browsers.)

If you enjoy recreational mathematics, take a look at the paper Orienting a Scribble (This is a PDF file.)

LISP fans: check out the Lisp Book Page!

If you enjoy mathematics, you may want to look at the book: Interpolating Cubic Splines. You can also find this book at Amazon or through

You can also download the two spline related C programs,
gspline.c and ssp.c found in the book.
(right click on these links and select 'save target as' or 'save link as' to download these.)

Contact Information
Civilized Software, Inc.
12109 Heritage Park Circle
Silver Spring MD 20906
email: [email protected]